How it works: Bitcoin and Solana

ZeusNode is the core product of Zeus Network, it acts as the interaction establisher, providing a permissionless way for Solana to connect with other blockchains.

In this system, two critical roles enable this interaction:

  • Operator: Collects, proposes, and relays transactions.

  • Guardian: Signs the transaction proposals from ZeusNode.

Example: Cindy Wants to Mint 10 zBTC on Solana

To get zBTC on Solana, Cindy deposits 10 BTC, which will be securely locked in the Bitcoin Cold Reserve. The process then follows these steps to establish the interaction:

  1. Cindy deposits BTC into their own Hot Reserve.

  2. ZeusNode Operator collects the deposited BTC and proposes to lock it.

  3. ZeusNode Guardian approves and signs the locking proposal.

  4. BTC is locked in the Cold Reserve.

  5. zBTC is minted and stored in the Solana Vault.

  6. Cindy can then claim their zBTC from the vault.

Example: Cindy Wants to Withdraw 5 BTC to Bitcoin

Cindy wants to return 5 zBTC and receive BTC back on Bitcoin. The withdrawal process follows these steps to establish interactions:

  1. Cindy returns zBTC to the vault

  2. Cindy submits a BTC withdrawal request

  3. ZeusNode Operator collects withdrawal requests and proposes to unlock

  4. ZeusNode Operator initiates the unlocking process on the Bitcoin blockchain

  5. ZeusNode Guardian signs on the proposal of unlocking

  6. Cindy receives BTC from the Cold Reserve

  7. Once BTC is unlocked from Cold Reserve, the following steps will be processed on Solana: Finalize withdrawal requests after BTC is unlocked from Cold Reserve / Burn zBTC after BTC is unlocked from Cold Reserve

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