Token Distribution

Crafted with a total supply of 1 billion tokens, $ZEUS tokenomics allocates across key segments, including Early Backers (10%), Jupiter Launchpad (5%), Ecosystem and Community Growth (40%), Foundation Reserve (20%), Team (15%), Liquidity (5%), and Advisors (5%). Each allocation adheres to a tailored cliff and vesting period, ensuring a harmonized and sustainable distribution.


  • Ecosystem and Community Growth: 10% TGE

  • Foundation Reserve: 10% TGE

  • Team: 0% TGE

  • Early Backers: 5% TGE

  • Launchpad: 100% TGE

  • Advisors: 5% TGE

  • Liquidity: 100% TGE


  • Ecosystem and Community Growth: 24 Months Linear Vesting

  • Foundation Reserve: 24 Months Linear Vesting

  • Team: 15 Months Cliff / 15 Months Vesting

  • Early Backers: 3 Months Cliff / 15 Months Vesting

  • Advisors: 6 Months Cliff / 15 Months Vesting

Vesting Addresses

Last updated