
What is ZeusNode?

Cross-chain involving both assets and transactions, is essential to the multi-chain future for user experience optimization to manage assets between different ecosystems easily. ZeusNode does not just operate a blockchain or store transactions but is positioned to facilitate interaction between Solana and other blockchains.

Here’s the key difference between transactions and interactions:

  • Transaction: An action on a single blockchain.

  • Interaction: A series of Bitcoin and Solana transactions that fulfill pegging activities. (i.e. Deposit / Withdrawal.)

Guardians of the ZeusNode

To protect the integrity of this permissionless infrastructure, Zeus Network introduced the Guardians — signatories managed by multiple reputable institutions to ensure the system remains decentralized, secure, and efficient.

This structure ensures that Guardians cannot manipulate the signing process or compromise the assets they manage, upholding the integrity of cross-chain interactions. By decentralizing control, this system safeguards both the assets and the network, allowing for secure, permissionless interaction between Solana and other blockchains.

How Does Guardian Signing Work?

In the ZeusNode model, each transaction proposal is signed by the Guardian which enables interactions between Bitcoin and Solana.

Once a Guardian receives a transaction proposal from ZeusNode, they verify the status of both BTC and zBTC before invoking the ZPL (Zeus Program Library) to execute BTC lock <-> zBTC mint or BTC unlock <-> zBTC burn operations. This ensures a seamless and secure interaction between the two blockchains.

ZeusNode Guardian Delegation: $ZEUS Staking

Delegating $ZEUS to a ZeusNode Guardian supports both Solana and cross-chain liquidity. The more $ZEUS that is staked, the greater the liquidity from Bitcoin can flow in, enhancing the security of ZPL-assets.

By staking $ZEUS to ZeusNode Guardians, holders get rewarded by actively contributing to Solana’s growth and helping secure cross-chain interactions.

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